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Polishers and Waxes

Quick Detailing
Provides a wet, high gloss appearance, ideal for all types of vehicle paint colors.

Cera Líquida Instantánea Shined Magic Wax
Formulado para brindar protección y brillo instantáneo sobre la pintura de su vehículo sin residuos que limpiar.

Cera Líquida
Formulada para restaurar y proporcionar brillo y protección instantáneo a todo color de pintura para automóviles.

Polishing Paste
Ideal for any color and type of paint made from waxes, resins, cleaners and solvents.

Coarse Red and Fine White Polishers
Specifically formulated for synthetic or lacquer-based painted surfaces.

Headlight Restorer
Formula based on mild abrasives and lubricants revives and lubricates all types of silvines.
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